Kick The Buddy Remastered Mod Apk Logo

Kick The Buddy Remastered Mod Apk

Playgendary Limited

Money Mod

Android 5.0 +
106 MB
Updated : 2022.08.27

Kick The Buddy Remastered is Mod Apk an enjoyable mobile game where you will not understand how time flies while you are playing, and you will test your weapons and equipment on the annoying character. For weapon selection, profile editing and all kinds of operations in the game, you should pull down the ribbon in the upper left part of the screen and use the menus you see in the window that opens.

There are so many different weapons in the game that you will enjoy them all. You can find AK-47s, bombs, swords, and even godlike weapons in Kick The Buddy Remastered. Get your wrath on Buddy with realistic physics, fun graphics, and surprising traps. If you are ready for an enjoyable adventure that never ends, lie down on your couch and start playing Kick The Buddy Remastered.

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How to Play Kick The Buddy Remastered?

Actually, in the introduction part, I talked about the gameplay in a simple sense. But I think you need a more detailed explanation. For all kinds of things you will do in the game, you must download the ribbon at the top left of the screen and access the menus. You will see 4 different menus in total. From these menus, you can change the appearance of your character, choose the weapons you want to use, unlock new weapons, edit the background decor and make the game more enjoyable by making extra settings.

There is nothing special you need to do to earn money in the game. As you damage the character, you can automatically earn money. The amount of money you earn will vary depending on the damage you do. With your money you can buy new weapons and change the appearance of the character.

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Get Ready for Surprises

You may encounter surprises you never expected in Kick The Buddy Remastered. In an instant, your character can get stuck between two walls or be attacked by rockets. You may encounter many such absurd events. That's why I advise you to be ready for surprises and use these surprises in your favor. For example, when your character is stuck at a point, you can direct all the bullets and weapons to that point and inflict a lot of damage at once.

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Decorate the Surroundings

Seeing the same things over and over in a game aimed at passing time can get a little boring. In order to eliminate this situation, I recommend you to decorate the area a little. You can buy new decors, change the background color or make your character look more annoying by entering the decor menu. Feel free to make these changes as you get bored. Already, thanks to the mod apk file, you will have infinite money. You don't need to worry about money.

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Try Fun Guns

There are so many weapons you can use in the game that it may take you hours to really try them all. Among these weapons, there are some weapons that I recommend you try. Especially the potato and soup guns provided a very enjoyable experience for me. If you are going to play Kick The Buddy Remastered, you should definitely try these fun weapons.

Money Mod Apk File Download

What Does the Mod Apk File Offer You?

You will have unlimited money thanks to the Kick The Buddy Remastered mod apk file. In this way, you can unlock all the weapons in the game, change the background color, buy new decorations and change the appearance of your character.